Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Network Defense 1 (1)

Network Defense 1 (1)

Q 1.What is a DoS attack and what makes it different from a DDoS attack? 2.Describe how Trinoo is used. 3.What type of DDoS attacks can be generated by a Stracheldraht network? 4What is a Botnet? 5.Describe the ways in which proper switch selection provides site-level safety.

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DoS or denial-of-service attacks can be considered as a strategy designed to keep the valid traffic from accessing the target of the attack. Distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks happen when the attack comes from the multiple concurrent sources. The one of the differences between DoS and DDoS is that the latter is harder to prevent using the firewall. But the main difference between these two is that in the DoS attack, the target will be attacked from the single source, whereas in the DDoS attack the target will be attacked from the multiple sources.